California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) Programs
The California Multiple Award Schedules (CMAS) program was established in 1994. The CMAS contracts are awarded and administered by the State of California, Department of General Services, Procurement Division, in accordance with Public Contract Code (PCC) Sections 10290 et seq. and Section 12101.5.
CMAS contracts are established using products, services, and prices from already existing, competitively assessed and cost compared multiple award contracts. The products, services, and prices are primarily from the federal General Services Administration (GSA) multiple award schedule program, but not exclusively. To these products, services, and prices, we add California contract terms and conditions, procurement codes and policies, and establish a totally independent California contract.
The contracts are utilized statewide by both California state and local government agencies under delegated authority from the Department of General Services. Agencies make best-value purchasing decisions accordingly.
Leverage our GSA Schedule to expand the scope of your CMAS contract
Here’s How It Works
- Reseller partner pursues a contract with the state of California through their California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) Program. Get information on how to apply for a CMAS contract.
- TD SYNNEX will provide a package of documentation that will authorize you to offer the TD SYNNEX GSA MAS Contract as the basis of award for your CMAS Contract.
- Reseller’s commitment to the state of California is to offer pricing to the state at prices that will not exceed the GSA pricing on the TD SYNNEX GSA Contract. TD SYNNEX likewise commits to the reseller that we will work with you to ensure the integrity of your pricing to the state.
- The package will include an authorization letter and GSA contract terms and conditions. Upon confirmation of your CMAS Contract being awarded, you will gain access to the link to our price file database.
- Reseller agrees to source product through TD SYNNEX for any CMAS opportunities that reference our GSA Schedule Contract.
How To Get Started On CMAS
Send an e-mail to Jamie Grimm,, with the subject line “CMAS Authorization Package,” and be sure to include your TD SYNNEX Account number and business name. Please be advised, you will need to have an active/current account with TD SYNNEX to be eligible for this program.