National Campaigns

National Campaigns: Drive New Opportunities

Harness the power of lead generation through the TD SYNNEX NetApp Partner Growth Program (PGP). Our National Campaigns marketing initiative enables you to grow your business by participating in a TD SYNNEX lead generation campaign focused on NetApp Solutions.

What to Expect

1. Choose from a number of NetApp Solutions
2. Identify target accounts, if applicable
3. Call out campaign to uncover end-user opportunities


Campaign Deliverables

• BANT-qualified appointments
• Warm handoff with prospect/lead
• Lead progression tracking

1The Alliance Solution Campaigns marketing initiative is available during NetApp Q4FY24-Q1FY25 (February 1, 2024 – July 31, 2024) period.
2All Partner Growth Program (PGP) selections will be bound by the TD SYNNEX/NetApp Marketing Development Funds (MDF) Guidelines. Partners will be responsible to manage Proof of Performance for MDF in accordance to current TD SYNNEX/NetApp MDF Guidelines, timelines and claim/audit processes. Failure to follow MDF Guidelines will result in partner’s termination from PGP.

Ready For New Customers?

Start opening new doors and connect with prospects. Contact our TD SYNNEX NetApp team to learn how you can maximize this marketing initiative.