Asset Package

Asset Package: Resources to Grow Your NetApp Success

The TD SYNNEX NetApp Partner Growth Program (PGP) has gathered a valuable Assets Package.1,2 If you opt in for this marketing initiative, you’ll receive relevant information, content and resources to grow your NetApp business.

Unboxing What’s Included

Every Asset Package includes sales and marketing collateral as well as incentives for qualified NetApp Sales.3 Plus, you can choose from several NetApp solutions and products to align with your sales and marketing efforts.

Campaign Deliverables

• Co-Branded Digital Campaign Assets
• Microsite/Landing Page
• Campaign Execution Tips and Best Practices

1The Asset Package marketing initiative is available during NetApp Q4FY24-Q1FY25 (February 1, 2024 – July 31, 2024) period.
2All Partner Growth Program (PGP) campaign selections will be bound by the TD SYNNEX/NetApp Marketing Development Funds (MDF) Guidelines. Partners will be responsible to manage Proof of Performance for MDF in accordance to current TD SYNNEX/NetApp MDF Guidelines, timelines and claim/audit processes. Failure to follow MDF Guidelines will result in partner’s termination from PGP.
3Incentives programs offered by TD SYNNEX and subject to change. Please contact your NetApp vendor development manager (VDM) or field application engineer (FAE) for details.

Ready to Leverage New Resources?

Contact our TD SYNNEX NetApp team to learn more about the PGP Assets Package and how to use it to take your NetApp business further.