MDF Resources

Cross the Finish Line With MDF

TD SYNNEX offers exclusive marketing development funds (MDF) to help you reach the winner’s circle. Through our NetApp Partner Growth Program (PGP)’s Finish Line Funds marketing initiative, you can gain the support to find and close your next deal.

MDF Guidelines

At TD SYNNEX, we manage our own NetApp MDF program, ensuring the process is smooth and you receive the funds your business needs to grow. We’ve laid out all our MDF guidelines for you to review in one document. For more detailed information or for clarifying questions, contact our TD SYNNEX NetApp team.

How to Submit Your MDF Claim

Marketing development funds are requested through our TD SYNNEX NetApp MDF Portal. This rewards and funds management platform makes opening a Prior Approval and claiming reimbursement simple. After selecting Finish Line Funds on the PGP Opt-In Page, reach out to us to set up your portal account. Then, log in to our easy-to-use tool to request your funds. If you have any questions along the way, reach out to for personalized support.