Web Services


Welcome to TD SYNNEX Web Services. This page provides the details of the real-time Web Services that are available for you to integrate with your applications. With these services, you can do Price and Availability queries, submit Purchase Orders and more.

Real-Time Available Services


Customer Purchase Order

This Web Service is for customer to place Purchase Order.

EPR: https://ws.synnex.com/webservice/poserviceV02?wsdl


Customer Purchase Order Guide

Expense Estimate

This Web Service is for customer to estimate freight, tax and California waste recycling fee.

EPR: https://ws.synnex.com/webservice/eeservice


Expense Estimate Guide

Customer PO Status

This Web Service is for customer to query for the status of PO.

EPR: https://ws.synnex.com/webservice/posserviceV02?wsdl


  • getPOStatus

Customer PO Status Guide

Price & Availability

This Web Service is for customer to query product price and availability.

EPR: https://ws.synnex.com/webservice/pnaserviceV05?wsdl

Price & Availability Guide

Product Feed Service

This Web Service is to the product info feed for the TD SYNNEX partners.

EPR: https://ws.synnex.com/webservice/pfservice


Product Feed Service Guide