CIS Mobile
"Mobile" represents a paradigm shift in our use of IT, both for personal as well as business purposes. In
India and China, for example, Mobile internet usage has already eclipsed desktop / PC internet usage. Given
the current trend, most industry experts agree that the same will soon occur in North America.
In continuing to support and drive Visibility, Velocity,
Value through CIS, our Proprietary ERP system, we are pleased to make available the
CISMobile application.
At a summary level, this application allows for Visibility into the revenue and
profitability of your business, your open Tasks, and key Alerts…all from your Mobile device. The intent is
that this extension of our core ERP system allows for processing of Tasks and managing of your business
while outside of the physical office, allowing for a higher level of Velocity. This, in
turn, is expected to further optimize our operations and add Value to both internal and
external "customers" and constituents.
This is an exciting and innovative step in the evolution of our systems, but CISMobile is still
early in its
lifecycle, and its functionality will continue to be expanded and improved. If you have any feedback please
reach out to Erik Cai on the Business Operations Team.