Partnering for Progress in the “Year of AI”


Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins calls it like he sees it, and on a CNBC interview earlier this year, he was quick to declare, “This is the year of AI.” It’s no secret that AI has become omnipresent in today’s world, even being hailed the “$15.7 trillion opportunity” because of the amount of money AI is expected to contribute to the global economy by 2030. In a recent webinar titled “From AI Dreams to Data Center Reality: Ignite Your Enterprise’s AI Superpower,” Cade Girod, TD SYNNEX Strategic Business Manager, Cisco Data Center, attested to the wide impact of AI, highlighting how no matter what industry someone is working in, they are bound to deal with AI on some level. With all of this in mind, it’s crucial for Cisco distribution partners to understand the transformative potential of AI and how they can lead their customers through this revolution.

Unlocking the Potential of AI Infrastructure

“A lot of people see AI as a new technology that is going to be great for the world, for helping out a lot of our day-to-day tasks,” Girod stated. While the potential for AI is vast, it requires significant storage, modernization, and infrastructure changes. “There will be a large opportunity for growth in the future as AI continues to grow and expand overall,” he noted. The reality, however, is that many organizations at the time are not fully prepared to take on the AI revolution, with fewer than 15 percent of global organizations reporting they feel ready. This disparity reveals a significant readiness gap that partners can help to address head-on.  

One of the key challenges lies in configuring an organization’s entire network to handle the demands of AI. “You need high-speed fabrics and storage capabilities,” Girod explained. This goes hand in hand with the need for a scalable and secure infrastructure capable of supporting everything from edge inference to massive training clusters. Cisco’s AI strategy is rooted in simplifying these complex AI architectures, making them easier for businesses to deploy and manage.

Preparing for AI: A Strategic Approach

For TD SYNNEX and Cisco partners, the task of preparing for AI involves more than just hardware upgrades. Girod stressed the importance of educating customers about the full spectrum of AI requirements—from servers and GPUs to network speed and storage—as well as being honest and realistic when discussing AI implementation. He emphasized that it’s something that will “need to be fine-tuned and talked about with customers, about what the expectations are from an infrastructure standpoint, a money standpoint, and making sure they’re all prepared for what they want to do with Cisco.”

Cisco’s Differentiation in the AI Race

Cisco’s approach to AI is not just about offering powerful technology; it’s about building trust and reliability in a rapidly evolving landscape. “Cisco’s AI differentiation is everybody knows the Cisco name,” Girod explained. “Cisco’s been out there for a long time, and they know that they want their customers and partners and everybody to be on board with what they’re doing from an AI perspective.” This reputation for excellence is further bolstered by Cisco’s commitment to leading in AI infrastructure, particularly through its partnerships with other industry giants like Red Hat, NetApp, Nutanix, and NVIDIA.

One of the ways Cisco is simplifying AI deployment is through its validated designs and hyper-converged infrastructure solutions. “Cisco does hyper-converged with Nutanix, where you can order the C series or the X series server, and then you can order the Nutanix software as well,” Girod noted. This integration is designed to “simplify the deployment of operations, accelerate the time to value and speed up the process and help with AI infrastructure,” making AI more accessible to businesses of all sizes.

The Road Ahead: Building Sustainable AI Foundations

As organizations race to adopt AI, the importance of a solid foundation cannot be overstated. Girod said that the process of standing up AI infrastructure—from initial planning to full deployment—can take anywhere from seven to twelve months, depending on the readiness of the existing infrastructure. Unlike simple software upgrades, implementing AI needs careful planning and a comprehensive understanding of the entire journey.

Cisco’s vision for AI is clear: to provide partners and customers with the tools they need to succeed in the AI era. From robust networking capabilities to flexible AI acceleration rates, Cisco is positioning itself as a leader in the AI space. As Girod put it, “You, as a partner, want to make sure you’re being realistic with them and honest with them about what the demands are with technology moving forward in the future.”

Unlocking AI’s Full Potential

The AI revolution is here, and Cisco, alongside TD SYNNEX, is at the forefront of this transformation. With $15.7 trillion on the line, the stakes couldn’t be higher. For distribution partners, the message is clear: Now is the time to prepare, educate, and empower your customers for the AI-driven future. By leveraging Cisco’s cutting-edge solutions and expertise, you can help your customers build scalable, secure, and efficient AI infrastructures that will set them apart in the competitive landscape.

If you have questions or need guidance for partner enablement, trainings, and educations around Cisco Data Center, AI, or Full Stack Observability, you can schedule a call with Cade Girod here.


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