Diversity and inclusion are critical components to innovation. Unique voices and perspectives must be incorporated as we move forward in society and continue to advance. This is especially true in the technology industry and efforts have been made to embrace diversity throughout the years. Women in the channel are now facing a business and cultural change that is more inclusive and that requires them to take on new opportunities to contribute.
As we celebrate Women’s History Month, the EDGE360 editorial team is featuring women in the channel and the impact they are making. We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Sonya Geter, a SYNNEX Business Development Representative focused on Cisco, who has served in the South Carolina Army National Guard for eight years and discovered her passion for IT early on. She received her bachelor’s degree in Information Management and Systems and continued to pursue a career path in IT, which has led her to her current role at SYNNEX.
Geter shared with us how she cultivated her interests, her proudest moments in her career so far, and advice she has for other women in the channel or other STEM-related career. Read more below:
EDGE360 Editors: Tell us about your career path. How did you get started in this career and what spurred your interest in the technology industry or the channel?

Sonya Geter: I’ve always had an interest in technology. While I was in college, one of my professors mentioned that Information Technology (IT) was on the rise and would be a great field for individuals in our major. I’ve pursued IT positions since I graduated from college, from sales to wireless to IT. I feel like every position I’ve had has prepared me for my current job as a Business Development Representative for SYNNEX.
EDGE360 Editors: When you look back at your career, what have been your proudest moments?
Geter: My proudest moment in my career so far, was when I flew to the Philippines to meet the sales teams there. I’ve worked with these teams for over a year and it was nice to put faces with names. I know there are a lot of individuals who work with our teams overseas but have not been given the option to visit. I had a great sense of pride to be one of the seven individuals from our office who were chosen to go.
I’m very passionate about helping people. I can remember being called teacher’s pet because I was so helpful in grade school. Now, in this role, I get the chance to help Sales Reps grow and learn every day in my current role. It is very satisfying.
EDGE360: What excites you most about your industry at this point in your career?
Geter: The innovation that is taking place. To know that new technology is being launched every day lets me know that the industry will be around for a long time. I’m glad to be a part of it.
EDGE360 Editors: Looking back at your career, how have you seen it evolve and become more inclusive?
Geter: I’ve noticed that more women are starting careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields. This is an important step and progress. I feel like diversification is very important in the workplace because we all come from different backgrounds and upbringings and the bigger the variety, the more ideas the company will have to choose from.
Organizations are now doing more to foster women in the channel. I attended the SYNNEX Year-End event last year, sponsored by Cisco, Microsoft, HP and Aruba, and it helped me to learn more about the women who work around me. It helped me to see the strength and courage that our peers/leaders have.
EDGE360 Editors: What advice do you have for women who are just now entering the field?
Geter: My advice would be to always work hard, be open to change, and remain optimistic.
The EDGE360 editorial team consists of Jackie Davis, Katherine Samiljan, and Jessica Nguyen. You can reach the team at EDGE360@gotostrategic.com.