We are in it, to dominate it!!


Coming down the home stretch, running the race to win, and outworking our competition unapologetically!! That is what we must all focus on in the last two weeks prior to September 30.

How do we do this and still win against our competition over the next two weeks?

Here are four keys to buying season close out Domination:

Relentless Focus

As others react to the demand like the winds to a sail, companies need to focus on optimizing this time of the year when revenue opportunity is the highest. The more focused your sales efforts are, the more successful you will be.

Don’t sit back and react to demand. Attack your customer base to create more demand. Be more focused than your competitors on the market opportunity.

Unparalleled Work Ethic

Vince Lombardi said: “Fatigue makes cowards of us all.”

While many companies will tire and become fatigued because of the high level of effort required during the busy season, the companies that will really flourish are the ones that choose to outwork their competition.

You have to work harder, work longer, and let your competitive drive fuel your passion for winning at this time of year. There is no substitute for the power of differentiated work ethic.

Leverage Your Resources more Efficiently

From inside sales and support resources to Comstor’s dedicated support models for our Federal partners, companies must leverage their resources holistically to their fullest extent.

Many original equipment manufacturers (OEM) offer additional hours of access and resource models during the busy season. Make sure that the full resources available to your sales people are leveraged to their fullest extent. If you don’t, your competition will.

OEM Visibility

The OEMs that are supporting the deals you are quoting and closing need to see that you are highly visible, driving opportunities for them and over-communicating your opportunity funnel to them during this period.

The more visible, communicative, and active you are with them, the more support you will garner. There will be winners and losers with all of the key OEMs in the market this busy season, but the winners will be those that most effectively garner mindshare and drive deals to the OEMs.

Focus, Work Ethic, Efficiency, and Visibility will help everyone and every element reach optimal potential in these last two weeks.


To learn more from Jeff Smith on federal buying season, click here.


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