The Road to Cisco’s Digital Ready Network Campaign: 4 Steps to Migration


Last month, during the Cisco Partner Summit (#CiscoPS16), there was an excellent opportunity presented to you, as Cisco partners, to generate more revenue for your Cisco practice. The Cisco Digital Ready Network campaign was announced, encouraging value-added resellers and partners to connect with their customers, assess customer network needs, and ensure they are ready for the digital demands of today.

As a result, partners are in a unique position to migrate customers to a digital platform for network automation, assurance, and security. Cisco Digital Network Architecture (Cisco DNA) is the platform that will get them there.

Here is how to get started:

Identify End-of-Lifecycle Products

As Cisco products approach the end of their life cycles, there is an immediate need to refresh and replace. If routers, switches, and access points are at their end of life, they are no longer secure. The support that customers would typically get is no longer available, which leaves a gaping hole of vulnerability that can severely impact the network. At a minimum, IT resellers need to work with customers to refresh these old products with newer versions that will inevitably put them on the road to a modern, digitized network.

Uncover New Opportunities

Talk to your customer.

If they have end of life products in place that are at risk, what else on their network is at risk? Are there other products that are outdated? Connect with your Comstor account manager to learn more about Opportunity Finder.

Focus on Business Outcomes

During these conversations with your customers, focus on the business outcomes they want to achieve. You may uncover a need for a more flexible workplace, increased security, greater customer experience, and other needs that will allow you to move the migration to a digital platform more quickly.

Understand the Incentives

Digital Ready Network (DRN) is a sales campaign that accelerates the customer journey to digitization. It also builds on the Cisco Digital Network Architecture (DNA). This campaign opens up exciting new opportunities to accelerate installed-base refresh and get customers’ network infrastructure ready for the future. Partners can also gain recurring revenue streams through software license renewals and earn new incentives.

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This post was authored by Reid Scrimgeour, Product Manager – Enterprise Networking and Mobility, Westcon/Comstor. 


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