Did You Know? Stay Ahead of Cybercriminals with the TD SYNNEX Cyber Range


“More than 60 percent of SecOps experts agree data loss will occur on networks within the next 12 months thanks to increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks. Don’t let your customer be the next victim.” Sean McCaskie, 1Source Product Manager at TD SYNNEX, started the latest installment in the “Did You Know?” with a warning meant to invoke action. He immediately gives partners the solution they need to take that action and help their customers. That solution is the TD SYNNEX Cyber Range, the first ever Cyber Range hosted by an IT Solutions Distributor.

With cyber threats looming large and data breaches becoming more commonplace, the need for robust cybersecurity measures has never been more critical. Cybercriminals are constantly evolving their tactics and technologies, and businesses must stay ahead of the curve to protect sensitive information and maintain the trust of their customers. This is where the TD SYNNEX Cyber Range comes into play.

Located in Gilbert, Arizona, McCaskie said the TD SYNNEX Cyber Range, “helps partners get hands-on with thousands of cybersecurity solutions from Cisco and their fellow alliance members.” This hands-on approach enables partners not only to familiarize themselves with the latest technologies but also to test their effectiveness in real-world scenarios.

The Cyber Range experience extends beyond mere theoretical knowledge, empowering partners to develop practical solutions tailored to the specific needs and challenges faced by their customers. McCaskie said that after customers have built their solutions, they can test them at Cyber Range. He described how “they can put it through the courses in a variety of simulated attacks, developing their security policies while learning in an interactive environment.”

By leveraging the resources and expertise available within Cyber Range, partners can equip themselves with the tools, insights, and strategies needed to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals and protect their customers from harm. The TD SYNNEX Cyber Range offers partners a dynamic platform to enhance their skills, collaborate with industry experts, and fortify their defenses against evolving cyber threats. As Sean McCaskie aptly put it at the beginning, “Don’t let your customer be the next victim.” Take action today and join us in the fight against cybercrime.

“Are you ready to fight back against cyber threats? Contact our Cisco experts and meet our team in the Cyber Range today,” McCaskie concluded. Partners are encouraged to email the ServiceSolv team at ServiceSolv@tdsynnex.com to schedule a Cyber Range session today. Now You Know! Partners can access the full “Cyber Range: Did You Know” video here to learn more and share in the ongoing cybersecurity discussion.


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