Federal Buying Season: Three Things to Focus on Now

As the 2015 federal fiscal year heads to a close, smart government contractors should focus on three things. All are worth a look unless your firm is planning to close up shop for good at the end of September. 1. Maintenance and System…

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What we have here should not be a failure to communicate

The delivery order you have from your customer says you should show up Friday, August 27, 2015, with all of the equipment and installation people required to fulfill your half-million dollar order. Did you look at the calendar? If so, you would…

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Is the Cloud Changing How You Do Business?

It is no secret- the cloud is taking organizations by storm, and as a result it is literally upending how we do business. Congruently, for IT leaders, what the cloud hype really means is tough decisions need to be made concerning how to…

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The Cloud: You are Either in It to Win It or are Destined to Fall Behind

Getting ready for the Federal Buying Season: Prepare, Aware, and Declare!!

Prepare, aware, and declare: Three simple words but also the three key execution imperatives for this year’s Federal IT buying season. All signs point to extremely strong opportunity and purchasing volumes this buying season; this is unprecedented when compared to the last three…

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Gearing Up for Federal Buying Season: Hottest IT Areas

Most IT solution providers that sell into the government are already heads down in planning and prepping for the federal buying season. This year’s federal buying season is shaping up to be on of the best in recent memory, and is certainly…

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Don’t End up with Skinned Knees: Use DVP to Clear Today’s IT Hurdles 2

Don’t End up with Skinned Knees: Use DVP to Clear Today’s IT Hurdles

I liken the pace of business and change today to that of a world-class hurdler who clears one hurdle just in time to regroup for the next. That runner barely has enough time to get his or her feet grounded before it’s…

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What is YOUR Value Proposition? Identifying Customer Needs

It’s a tough question to answer: What value do YOU bring to your customer? We all have different approaches for demonstrating our value -- myself included. Yet, my true value is defined by quickly identifying my customer’s needs through an open and…

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A Roadmap to Improving Cash Flow

Changes in Federal Requirement Require Adaptation to New Procurement Processes

Times are changing, and the way we used to sell into the federal government is not the way we will continue in the future. As we gear up for busy season, it is important to highlight these changes. On EDGE360, we recently…

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Selling Federal IT Requires an Understanding of Budgets and Constraints

Selling Federal IT Requires an Understanding of Budgets and Constraints

In today’s federal government IT market, solutions vendors have to be both financial and acquisition experts. In addition to informing oneself about budget projections, anyone trying to sell into government needs to be aware of specific hurdles they will have to overcome. The…

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Comstor Federal Executive Summit: Technology Disruptors that Will Affect Federal IT

We are in a period of change and disruption in the federal IT arena. Agencies are changing how they are consuming and investing in IT and growth in federal IT spending has flattened. I like to say that flat is the new…

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