Podcast: What You Need to Know About Today’s Market Before Attending Comstor’s Federal Summit

With Comstor’s Executive Federal Summit right around the corner, we thought we’d take the time to provide our readers with a preview of what to expect during the event. On April 12th, attendees will have the opportunity to listen to many seasoned…

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Distribution to Federal Markets Creates a Paragon of Precision

Over the past 16 years, I’ve been focused on IT distribution and half of that time was specific to the federal government market. That’s why I’m so excited to have joined Comstor as the new Regional Manager for Federal Sales and I’m…

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Are Federal Business Events Worth Your Time?

Federal contractors could attend events every day of the week, sometimes in both the mornings and evenings, if they wanted to. However, should they always attend such events? Table-top shows and expos require multiple day commitments and extra expenses. Companies frequently ask,…

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Ring of Security Podcast: Lack of Holistic Approach Leaves 75% of Network Exposed

In this latest podcast, David McNicholas, Director of US Strategic Business Development for Comstor, tells us that when it comes to securing the network and all of an organization’s valuable intelligence, taking a holistic approach is the only way to maximize security. Comstor…

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Your IDIQ Contract Can Live on After Sunset

Do you have a great contract vehicle that’s about to expire? Think that’s the end of the road? While it always pays to have more than one Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract through which your customer can reach you, you don’t…

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Patience Is an Essential Virtue When Your Customers Are Out

What do you do when you can’t get in touch with your government customer? It can be incredibly frustrating when federal IT contractors are not able to get an answer to a critical question. Unresolved issues stay unresolved. Time drags on and…

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White House Proposes No New Initiatives for FY’17

Wondering what the “next big thing” in federal IT will be? Then don’t look to the President’s FY’17 budget request, due to be released at the end of January 2016. Reports say that there will be no new initiatives or major programs.…

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FY’16 Spending: Top Areas Where Federal Agencies Will Spend Dollars

The 2016 federal fiscal year may, in reality, be only three quarters of a fiscal year, but at least Congress didn’t let things get delayed any longer. By finally passing a catch-all spending bill in December, Congress enabled agencies to start working…

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2015: A Year in Managed Services 2

2015: A Year in Managed Services

In a recent post on EDGE360, Comstor’s David McNicholas discussed how, “(T)he biggest step VAR businesses took in 2015 was formally accepting that they must offer some type of managed services.” McNicholas goes on to assert that an expanded managed services suite…

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Infrastructure as a Service without Managed Services is One Way to Lose Money

New Skills Essential to Staying Successful in the Federal IT Market

Last week my wife made good on her vow to go to the local Apple store and get training on how to better use her myriad Apple products. She kept putting the training off because day-to-day commitments got in the way. She…

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