Superheroes Unite! Cisco Live 2017 Changing How Business Gets Done


The party people in Las Vegas like to say “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” Comstor’s technical pre-sales engineers take a different approach. Our entire team is attending Cisco LIVE and we’re not leaving anything in Vegas – we’re going to learn everything we can and we’re bringing it all back home to share with our reseller partners. We’re nerds, it’s what we do.

Cisco LIVE invites “IT Superheroes” and Comstor is answering the call. While others seek merely to find solutions, we are focusing our super powers on digital domination and we will not rest until we achieve our goal.

Comstor recognizes that the Internet of Things and securing those “things” is what is going to help you successfully build your Cisco business around digital transformation. Our PSEs are excited to explore the possibilities around IoT and security and learn more about our partners’ plans for a brave and bold new future.

We live in an amazing time…a time when technology is the driving force for making anything possible. Technology innovators – and IT Superheroes — are the ones who will make it happen. Cisco LIVE is widely acknowledged as the premier resource for the education and inspiration of technology professionals and Comstor is “all in.”

Rare is the occasion when one leaves Vegas with more than one brought, but we like our chances. We are planning to cash in on LIVE’s on-site curriculum of more than 1,000 sessions. This is a unique opportunity to acquire cutting-edge knowledge and skills on the technologies we will leverage to achieve the digital transformation that is changing how business gets done.

Comstor will be among technology’s high rollers, joining thousands of innovators for a transformational experience that includes today’s IT visionary thought leaders, education sessions, and Cisco’s top partners. It will be a chance to evaluate and gain a greater understanding of the latest innovations in networking and communications.

Rest assured that Comstor’s IT Superheroes are prepared to win big at Cisco LIVE.  And we’re bringing it all home to you, our partners.

This piece is authored by Sharon March, PMP, Senior PSE; IOT and Education Enablement for Comstor . With over 20 years of distribution experience, Sharon has  a particular passion in learning new technologies, such as Digital Transformation and IoT, and using that to help people in their Cisco education and certification journey, mapping goals to specific strategies and tactics so they can continue to prosper in the ever-changing world of IT.


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