October Means Cyber Security Awareness Month


Every October, we start thinking about the spooky, creepy, crawly things. But it’s not just Halloween that has us thinking about them. Rather, it’s the bright spotlight shining on cyber security threats that live online and are trying to infiltrate our networks that’s got us spooked. Protecting against these threats is not something that can be done alone. Every October, we focus our thoughts on ways to stay safe from the creepy crawly cyber threats during National Cyber Security Awareness Month (#NCSAM; #CyberAware), led by the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which strives to create a public-private partnership and share the responsibility of staying safe online.

This is also a great time to educate our partners and IT resellers about the importance of building their own information security and cyber security practices for their customers. Today’s online environment is full of threats – inside threats, advance persistent threats and simple threats taking advantage of gaps in basic cyber hygiene. With customers trying to gain a better foothold on their cyber security strategy, IT resellers have an opportunity to provide them with the right solutions to meet their needs.

The responsibility for securing the Internet and our collective global digital assets is one that is shared by everyone from the solution providers, distributors and IT resellers, to the customers and the end-users.

No one should “opt out” of the responsibility cycle.

The NCSA and DHS take a multi-pronged approach to drive awareness and educate users at home, work and school by providing them with the information they need to keep themselves, their organizations, their systems and their sensitive information safe and secure online.

Each week this month, we will talk about a different NCSAM focus and provide you with resources on each topic:

Week 1: General Cybersecurity Awareness: 5 Years of Stop.Think.Connect.™

Marking the 5th anniversary of the Stop.Think.Connect. Campaign, week one focuses on cybersecurity as a shared responsibility and includes simple online tips to empower all Americans to be safer online.

Week 2: Creating a Culture of Cybersecurity at Work

This theme shines light on common threats that businesses and employees are exposed to and provides resources for business and employees to stay safer online and enhance their existing security plans.

Week 3: Connected Communities: Staying Protected While Remaining Connected

Becoming better digital citizens requires being safe no matter where you are connecting to the Internet. This week’s post will highlight best practices for using mobile devices and social media.

Week 4: Your Evolving Digital Life

As our worlds – work, home, school, etc. – become “smarter” through the connection of our phones, exercise monitors, tablets, medical devices and much more to the Internet, we all must understand how to protect the data being collected, stored and communicated through these devices.

Week 5: Building the Next Generation of Cyber Professionals

As we all look forward to the future of the cyber security workforce, we should require cyber security education and awareness in schools at all levels .We also need to emphasize the need for properly trained cybersecurity professionals.


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