Looking Forward to 2016: What the Year Ahead Has in Store for Managed Services


2015 was a big year for managed services as more and more value-added resellers (VAR) came to the realization that they need to offer managed services to existing customers. For example, by incorporating more managed services into their suite of offerings, VARs maintained their relevance within the space and remained competitive.

Yet, for some, the incorporation of more managed services has proved challenging.

To that end, the EDGE360 staff reached out to Dan Forbes, Director of Business Development at Comstor U.S., to gain his insight into where we can expect managed services to go in 2016.

Keep reading below to see what Dan had to say:

EDGE360: What do you predict to be hot trends/foreseeable milestones in Managed Services in 2016?

Dan: Security has to be in there in the form of managed security services. I don’t think we need another high profile breach for companies to realize they are at risk.

EDGE360: How should an enterprise or agency direct its investment dollars in 2016 – any particular areas that should have more focus than others?

Dan: Mobility, Security and Managed Services.

The promise of the Internet of Everything is looming on us all and in a world where everything can be connected, Wireless Mobile Connectivity, Secure Transmission and Management of Data are going to be paramount.

EDGE360: Again, if you could predict what will happen in Managed Services in 2016 in one sentence, what would that prediction/motto be?

Dan: The “Haves” will continue to prosper – the “Have Nots” will have to make quick decisions in order to gain and/or maintain relevance within the space.

Want to learn more about managed services from the EDGE360 team? Click here.


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