Looking Back: How Managed Services Fared in 2015


With the holiday season upon us and 2015 coming to a close, we at EDGE360 thought right now would be a good time to check in with our editorial team of experts for inside perspectives on managed services trends in 2015.

Keep reading below to see what Dan Forbes, Director of Business Development at Comstor US, had to say:

Looking Back at 2015: A Year in Managed Services:

What were the milestones that you feel pushed the Managed Services industry forward in 2015?

I feel that the dynamics around new consumption models formed by cloud and hybrid cloud have been a driver for heightened conversations around managed services. These consumption models change the value dynamic for the channel, and managed services are a key component to the ongoing sale and support for these models.

What lessons were learned in 2015 surrounding Managed Services?

The market is in need of services now.

If companies are just starting to decide how to build these services, they will miss out on the opportunity unless they have huge capital reserves that allow them to execute extremely fast.

If you could wrap up 2015 in one sentence, such as “2015 was the year of the breach,” what would your motto for Managed Services in 2015 be?

2015 is the year of the partnership.

I think those without managed services need to partner with those that are offering that factory of services.

Want to learn more about managed services from the EDGE360 team? Click here.


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