A Look Back at Cyber Security Trends in 2016


As 2016 comes to a close, we are always interested in looking back at our content on EDGE360 to see what topics our readers have really engaged with or visited the most. This year, there is no doubt in our minds that our readers find cyber security to be one of the top topics of 2016. Did you miss our content on the topic? Well, during the holiday slow down, we are taking some time to revisit these top trending pieces:

Cyber Aware? Physical and Cyber Threats Grow as Incentives and Monetization Increase

During National Cyber Security Awareness Month this past year EDGE360 editors spoke about the evolution of cyber threats with Bryant G. Tow, managing partner of CyberRisk Solutions LLC. According to Tow, over the years cyber security has evolved from a check box of security tools to keep common hackers out of networks, to today’s more sophisticated nation state attackers who are looking to buy and sell confidential information.

Interested in Tow’s predictions? Click here to listen to the podcast.

Ring of Security Podcast: Lack of Holistic Approach Leaves 75% of Network Exposed

David McNicholas, Director of US Strategic Business Development for Comstor, tells us that when it comes to securing the network and all of an organization’s valuable intelligence, taking a holistic approach – which he calls “The Ring of Security” – is the only way to maximize security. Without an integrated approach, McNicholas warns that 75 percent of your ring of security is exposed.

Click here to listen to the full podcast.

How Strong is Your Ring of Security?

Security practitioners have long discussed the need for a holistic approach, Dan Timko, President and CTO at Cirrity shared with us during an interview this year. The approach, he said, was one that looks at the combination of people, processes, and technology rather than one that focuses on a specific point or edge. Cirrity has integrated security into the foundation of their services. Not only to protect the platform itself but to enable customers to extend that protection into their own environments running on the platform.

Want to learn more? Click here to read the full Q&A.


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