IoT Will Connect Over 50 Billion Devices by 2020


The Internet of Things, or IoT, links smart objects to the internet, enabling an exchange of data that has never been available before, all in a secure way. Cisco estimates that IoT will be comprised of over 50 billion devices connected to the internet by 2020. This potential offers Value Added Resellers (VARs) the opportunity to offer products and services needed to enhance IoT throughout multiple sectors.

Today’s businesses are focused on efficiency, innovation, adaption, and regulations. The Internet of Things can help companies with all the above by creating a technology-driven environment. Nik Sanchez, business development manager for IoT at Comstor North America, says that the time for IoT is now.

“We’ve reached an inflection point in IoT where the concept of the internet of everything has distilled down where resellers and partners are understanding that they have to focus their efforts and really drive with solutions,” said Sanchez.

Sanchez suggests visualizing a smart city that is fully integrated and connected. In a smart city, people access IoT data to determine what parking spots are open or if there are traffic issues. To get to this fully functional state you need to start with a connected infrastructure that is enabled through different IT motions. Companies and resellers need to focus on how to build towards the end state before diving in.

Sanchez offered advice for resellers saying, “Hold up the mirror to your own practice and really understand where your core competencies are. Understand what your customers look to you most for.” Once you have a solid understanding of what you do well and what you can offer, it is time to learn what your customers need and look at the entry point that it provides.

Resellers can benefit from researching the Comstor EDGE program. According to Sanchez, the program can help VARs map out their goals with a clear path to completion. He urges VARs to be vocal about the help they need with their IoT practice and learn how their partners can help.

“The internet of things is such a broad topic and big space that to do it generally, you will always be stuck in that first motion and never get off the starting line,” said Sanchez.

To learn more about the IoT and resources for VARs click here.


  • Jackie Davis

    Jackie is a writer for EDGE360. Her past experience includes B2B marketing, public relations and journalism. She currently writes about IT, finance and military technology. Jackie holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from LeMoyne College.

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