Federal Buying Season Episode 1: On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!


With only four months left in the federal fiscal year, the race is gearing up for remaining dollars for FY18 federal buying season. To help give Cisco valued resellers and government contractors the EDGE in the federal race to the finish, Larry Allen, federal industry expert and regular contributor to EDGE360, is hosting a bi-weekly podcast for our readers. In this first episode of the “Federal Race to the Finish,” Larry sits down with Comstor’s Nate Clyker, federal business manager,  to discuss the latest federal IT trends and best practices for government contractors who are gearing up for federal buying season.

“Communication is key,” says Clyker. “While it may be tough to get the ear of your agency customer right now, it’s more important than ever to be persistent, and keep all lines of communication open. Right now, resellers have the opportunity to help agency customers navigate through complex budgets and requirements to set the stage for programs to come in FY18.”

Listen to our first episode in the “Federal Race to the Finish” series for more insights to consider as you race toward those last remaining federal dollars for FY18 federal buying season.

Full episode here:

Don’t miss Episode 2 of the Federal Race to the Finish podcast series brought to you by EDGE360 and Comstor, when Larry will sit down with Bryant Tow, Managing Partner of CyberRisk Solutions LLC, to discuss the technologies areas that have already captured budget dollars for FY18. Check back on www.www.tdsynnex.com/na/cisco/edge360online for the latest trends for VARS.


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