Did You Know You Can Still Actually Connect With People…Not Just Their Devices…


I’m not talking about the classic boondoggle here or the business conference in an exotic tourism-rich location there. Instead, I’m referring to real opportunities to connect with people and talk about the things that are important to their business, and by extension, to all of our collective businesses.

Westcon and Comstor will host their annual CONNECT event this November. The conference promises to be a few days of information sharing, peer networking, advisory board meetings and guest speaking: a departure from those touristy- business trips that do not necessarily drive value.

Feedback on this event in the past have demonstrated that we have perfected the elements to create an effective business conference—past attendees have indicated that they always learn something new at CONNECT and multiple opportunities are born from interactions at the conference.

CONNECT was created in part out of a desire to unite and enable two distinct partner communities: Westcon’s Unified Communications & Collaboration and Security focused solution providers, and Comstor’s heavily Cisco influenced partner network. Historically, there has been little overlap between these communities, yet they do still have the same business needs regardless of vendor focus.

Too often, these types of events are focused on what is being delivered to the marketplace, with a focus on technology and products, whereas CONNECT differentiates itself by instead focusing on how we can make the marketplace a better place for all of us to do business in, and what the drivers are for our collective business growth and health.

Past CONNECT events have featured speakers that specialize in human resources, compensation planning, managed services, finance optimization, technology trends– and many other topics that are less focused on what a specific product can do, and more so focused on productivity, profitability and business growth and expansion.

This year, we’re excited to have a speaker line up that continues this trend. For example, attendees will hear from capital investors on what it takes to make their business more attractive to potential buyers, how to capture multiples on EBITDA, and what the optimal design of a business that presents this opportunity looks like. There’s a wave of consolidation in the market right now, and I’m sure many of you have been approached regarding your business, so I know this particular topic will generate a lot of interest.

If you aren’t familiar with Westcon /Comstor’s CONNECT event, taking place yearly in November, speak to your Westcon / Comstor contacts about attending. I guarantee you will walk away having learned something that you didn’t know before and you will leave with a spark of an opportunity that you can capitalize on.

Click here to learn more about the event!


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