Cybersecurity Roundup: Education is Key to Avoid Insider Threats and Common Mistakes That Lead to Vulnerabilities


As Comstor’s Evan Bell noted in his post about National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, his goal is to enable Comstor partners and equip their teams with as much knowledge and training as possible about cybersecurity and Cisco tools and certifications. In this roundup, Edge360 shares stories that show why that knowledge and training is imperative for businesses today.

Some 88 percent of organizations that experienced cyber risks, were caused by careless employees. Similarly, a recent Deloitte poll found that nearly half of executive-level respondents feel only “somewhat confident” in their organization’s ability to respond to and remediate a cyber incident. It is evident that ongoing cyber education is needed. Read the latest stories highlighting why education is key to effective cybersecurity:

Inside Threats: Keeping the Cyber Boogeyman Out
There’s a reason why National Cybersecurity Awareness Month coincides with the Halloween season. After all, what’s scarier than a cybercriminal making his way into an organization? Well for starters, how about the employee that may unknowingly be to blame for giving him access.

With more than 88 percent of organizations experiencing cyber risks caused by careless employees, there’s a lot to be said about the current state of cybersecurity awareness and training (or lack thereof). To better address the growing threat that today’s employees pose, organizations must first identify where they (often unknowingly) lurk. To learn more about how to beat the cyber “boogeyman” and keep your organization safe, click here.

Most Professionals Uncertain of Their Business’ Cyber Response Abilities
More than 1,500 executive-level respondents to a recent Deloitte poll feel only “somewhat confident” in their organization’s ability to respond to and remediate a cyber incident. With cyber-crime expected to reach $6 trillion annually, awareness of and training in cyber preparedness and wargaming is important for any organization.

“Cyber wargames are an important way to raise awareness of the latest cyber risks and attack types, as well as cyber risk management and adaptive response capabilities an organization needs during, after, and preparing for the next cyber incident,” according to Deloitte. Read more about cyber wargames and how to incorporate them into incident response planning here.

Cyber Drills Are the New Fire Drill: 5 Mistakes You’re Probably Making Right Now
When a data breach hits an organization, there’s often pressure on everyone to react quickly and efficiently. That’s why having a solid, approved plan and regular drills to practice are critical to an effective solution. These cyber response drills are as important as fire drills: As businesses are integrating more technology into their practices, their risk for cyber breaches increases drastically.

However, there are several mistakes that organizations make while preparing for cyber-attacks. Read the Top Five mistakes made by businesses in planning and executing a cyber-attack drill here.

Cybersecurity Gains Attention in Boardroom
Based on studies and interviews conducted with corporate board members and chief information security officers (CISOs), the Cyber Balance Sheet found that boardrooms are showing an interest in learning more about security. While the risk of cybersecurity increases, leaders are looking to incorporate effective decision-making practices to address the attacks.

“This year’s Cyber Balance Sheet Report dispels the ‘cyber is a boardroom issue’ cliché by showing that not only have board members received the cyber risk message loud and clear, they are actively initiating more discussion about breaches and threats that could upend their organizations,” said Andrew Cannata, Focal Point’s CISO and national cybersecurity practice leader. Learn more here.


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