CyberRisk Podcast Series: How Resellers Can Rise Above the Noise During NCSAM and Beyond


This month, EDGE360 editors are focused on National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM), where we will feature content from security experts in the field that will help value-added resellers (VARs) provide real value around cyber security and security issues. This month, Bryant G. Tow, Managing Director of CyberRisk Solutions and trusted advisor to Westcon-Comstor, will be hosting a weekly podcast series that offers tips and best practices from many different guests.

This week, Bryant sat down with David McNicholas, Director of US Strategic Business Development for Weston-Comstor Americas, to discuss the struggle that VARs have today in staying relevant in security and cyber security discussions. David offers insight about how to engage in relevant discussions about security at the C-suite level and how to move away from pushing only security tools and boxes, and instead discussing business outcomes and strategies.

A holistic security approach, which David has coined as the Ring of Security, goes beyond the technology and examines people and processes. Tow points to the recent Equifax breach as a good example of why this approach is necessary. While the breach was based on a technical issue, it was a patch that was available for awhile, yet a process breakdown is what put Equifax’s data in jeopardy.

Listen below to this thoughtful and engaging discussion between Bryant and David in our latest EDGE360 podcast.



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