Content in IT Marketing


I’m sure we can all agree that content is a large part of our everyday lives. If you think about it, it’s actually pretty hard to avoid. It keeps us informed, answers our questions, and so much more. And it’s no different for the IT decision-makers we target.

The importance of content in IT Marketing

IT buyers are self-educating and relying on content to fuel their decision-making processes. By creating IT marketing content that leads with your brand and tells your story, you’re able to attract and convert the people who are searching for what your company has to offer.

To get in front of these buyers, partners must position themselves as thought leaders, and a great way to do that is through content. Your prospects and customers are looking to your organization to solve the challenges they face. Creating infographics or short videos that address some simple best practices will help position your company as an expert in the field and also keep your company top of mind as your prospects move further down the funnel.

Take your content a step further, with eBooks, white papers, or case studies to continue fueling your thought leadership as well as your lead generation. Providing content that your audience can’t get anywhere else and that addresses their questions as they move out of the awareness stage of the buying cycle will allow you to collect contact information like name and email to be included into your other marketing tactics.

Creating & Using Content

Are you the same IT company you were 10 years ago, or even five? If you’ve grown to focus on specific areas of IT or have grown to work well within a specific industry, create IT marketing content including key messaging that resonates with them. Written or video case studies are a great way to highlight who your company is, your client successes, and paints a picture of how your prospects can achieve the same goal.

You have this great piece of content, but now what? Don’t just let it sit on your website or landing page. Share it with relevant prospects and customers, and on social. All your hard work doesn’t have to sit in just one piece of content either. Use the same information to create blogs, videos, or infographics. Then, build these assets into a nurture stream that will drive your leads and prospects toward booking an appointment.


  • Melissa Tucker Griner

    Melissa Tucker Griner has been a marketer in the IT space for more than six years, helping partners to start or enhance their marketing strategies through the execution of content, social media, landing pages, blogs, digital ads, and events. For more information, visit

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