Comstor EDGE Conference Opens Doors for Partners to Grow a Profitable Cisco Practice


Comstor recently extended an invitation to partners to join Comstor and Cisco executives to learn about the latest Comstor architecture solutions. The 2019 Comstor EDGE Conference offered an inside look at the latest trends and best practices, highlighted Comstor EDGE Progression Programs and outlined ways partners can build and grow a profitable Cisco practice.

For those readers who missed the event, the EDGE360 Editors have pulled together highlights below:

Jay Denton, Comstor’s VP/General Manager, and Joe Vlajcic, Comstor’s Director of Strategic Business Develop, opened the event with a welcome message that focused on the customer experience.  This theme continued throughout the event, including breakout sessions where the focus was on creating unique customer experiences to bolster recurring revenue streams and create customers for life.

Comstor’s EDGE Progression Programs are one way that Comstor stays true to its own methodology of creating unique customer experiences. They personally walk partners through the steps from sign up, to trainings, certifications – and so much more – to help them get started as a Cisco partner and grow their Cisco practice into a profitable line of business.  Jay kicked off the full day of sessions on Wednesday, discussing the progression programs and how they can help VARs.

Comstor partners had the opportunity to hear directly from Cisco executives about the tools and strategies available to fuel partner success. The event included break-out sessions that featured Comstor product managers and Cisco engineers who focused on the topics and areas that impact business today. 

Digging into all of the Cisco architectures, this team of expert speakers touched on the most critical areas that partners wanted to learn more about. They focused on topics ranging from the rise of HCI growth and scaling growth with Meraki to monetizing intent-based networking, all with an umbrella approach to security. 

Thank you to all of the partners that joined the event. It was an amazing experience that we hope to build on for next year!


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