Unlocking the Power of Cisco Intersight: A Game-Changer for Data Center Management


In today’s fast-paced world, infrastructure management is characterized by an ever-increasing demand for speed, agility, and security. Organizations require applications to be deployed rapidly across multiple locations while guarding against a constant barrage of security threats. Staffing shortages and downtime issues add to the complexity. Cisco Intersight, a comprehensive infrastructure management solution, has emerged as a game-changer for partners’ streamlining their customers’ data center operations. In the recent “Selling and Positioning Cisco Intersight to Customers” webinar, Cade Girod, Product Business Manager for Cisco Data Center, TD SYNNEX, helped break down Intersight’s benefits and shared with partners how they can best position and sell the product.

Cisco Intersight empowers businesses to see, control, and automate their compute, storage, and networking infrastructure from a single platform, regardless of where it’s located. Girod said that businesses “can easily spread this workload across the globe and deploy things across the globe as well.” With Intersight, organizations can see what’s going on with either on-prem or edge environments, offering comprehensive visibility and control even from remote locations. The platform can be hosted on the cloud or provided as a virtual appliance, catering to various customer preferences. This flexibility is particularly important for SLED and federal government customers.

With Cisco Intersight, organizations can manage their infrastructure throughout their entire lifecycle, from deployment and monitoring to support. This not only optimizes operations but also ensures security, a top priority for Cisco. Intersight integrates multiple layers of security defenses, aligning with industry standards and ensuring comprehensive logging to track system activities. As cyber threats evolve, this robust security framework becomes increasingly vital.

Intersight’s positive impact is evident in the real-world. Girod shared praise from the Director of IT at a regional medical center, as well as a state government agency, for the platform’s ability to swiftly identify and resolve issues, provide essential performance insights, and streamline tech upgrades. The IT director said, “[Cisco] Intersight allows us to quickly find a problem that would have taken us months to troubleshoot without the visibility that Intersight provides.” With intuitive dashboards and mobile app access, organizations can monitor their infrastructure on the go, ensuring they’re always one step ahead.

The platform also allows customers to monitor and manage energy consumption, helping save money while contributing to sustainability goals. The total cost of ownership calculator helps organizations compare their current expenses with the potential savings achieved by deploying energy-efficient solutions. Automated workflows also contribute to simplifying tasks for the IT team and accelerating application delivery. Girod emphasized that automation not only enhances efficiency, but also “prevents IT staff from being overworked.” Moreover, Intersight integrates seamlessly with a wide range of third-party solutions, providing flexibility and maximizing customers’ investments.

For partners and sellers, it’s vital to grasp the recent changes to licensing tiers. Cisco recently simplified its licensing tiers from four to two, offering Essentials and Advantage. The Advantage tier encompasses all the Essentials features and adds even more, including automation and workflow orchestration, providing enhanced value to customers.

Distribution partners should also take note of the upcoming end-of-support date for M4 servers in February 2024. This presents a unique opportunity to position M6 or M7 servers to customers, showcasing the advantages of modernizing their compute infrastructure. Enterprise Agreements are an option that can further benefit customers. Consider how Cisco Intersight can elevate server business across different customer segments, whether partners are working with standalone Rack customers, UCS Central customers, or those eager to modernize their infrastructure. Partners are encouraged to reach out if they have questions or require assistance.

Cisco Intersight represents a game-changing solution for data center and infrastructure management. Armed with the insights from the webinar and a deep understanding of Intersight’s capabilities, Cisco distribution partners are well-positioned to guide their customers toward a more efficient, secure, and future-ready data center environment. By leveraging the strengths of Cisco Intersight, partners can strengthen their relationships with customers, drive growth, and stay at the forefront of the evolving technology landscape.

Cisco is currently offering a free 90-day trial, giving customers the opportunity to experience the benefits of Cisco Intersight firsthand before deciding to commit fully.

Learn more about Intersight by watching the webinar here.


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