Calling all Cisco Partners! FY22 Partner Rally Kick Off Highlights New Opportunities for Growth


Cisco’s leadership plans to start the new fiscal year off right with partners motivated and equipped with the knowledge they need for a strong, successful year. To start the dialogue, Cisco will be hosting the FY22 U.S. Partner Rally Kickoff on September 23, 2021, featuring updates from every Segment Area Vice President about their top growth initiatives for FY22 and key market opportunities for Cisco Partners.

Cisco leaders from the public sector, small business, commercial, and service provider segments will include:

  • Rachel Barger, SVP, GES Sales
  • Bill Kohut, SVP, U.S. Commercial Sales
  • Nick Michaelides, SVP, Public Sector Sales
  • Patrick Morrissey, SVP, Americas Service Provider Sales
  • Stacy Betts, Senior Director, National & Service Provider Partners
  • Carl DeMarco, Senior Director, Partner Sales Organization

“This is a chance for partners to attend and hear Cisco top priorities directly from leadership,” explained Sarah Marshall Nowell, Distribution Marketing Manager at Cisco. “We want partners to feel confident going into the new year with a roadmap of the opportunities that will help them be more successful in growing their Cisco practice. ”

One area of interest for attendees will include Hybrid Work Solutions, a particularly important topic given the “new normal” the world is adjusting to following the pandemic. Updates around solutions supporting security efforts in that arena like Umbrella, Secure Access Service Edge, DUO will be offered by leadership. Collaboration will also likely be a big focus, with a look at how partners can leverage solutions like Webex, Meraki, and SD-WAN to support more modern working dynamics.

Join these leaders on Webex on Thursday, September 23, 2021, at 11:30am-12:30pm ET for a look into the pertinent information about Cisco’s focus areas for FY22 that can be integrated with your offerings and messaging as a partner.

Register here to join the FY22 U.S. Partner Rally Kickoff with Cisco leadership.


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