Strive to Thrive, Don’t Hope to Survive

The soccer team I coach has been fairly successful. Not perfect, but I’m proud that the team generally wins more games than it loses…and continues to improve. But recently, we’ve found ourselves falling behind in matches. In circumstances where the team is struggling while…

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One Step in Reverse, Two Steps Forward

The icemaker in my fridge was dying. I knew it was time for a new refrigerator, but outside of poking around online, I was too hesitant to actually pull the trigger (since when did refrigerators get so expensive anyway!?!). After some research, I finally…

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Drop Your Mile Time: A Story on How to Improve Business Outcomes

Drop Your Mile Time: A Story on How to Improve Business Outcomes

My daughter likes Converse, and she likes them in any shade of black. I don’t judge. I kinda like ‘em, too. But, she likes them so much, she doesn’t just wear them for fashion, she wears them during P.E. and soccer practice.…

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Sales Tips from the Old Guy aka the Crypt Keeper

Striped Socks: Selling without Selling and Facilitating Paths

“Nice socks. They beat mine…,” he said as he lifted his pants a tad, revealing sporty, striped socks “Thanks!” I respond, looking down at the Santa-skulls on my socks. He laughed, “You have to show me where you got’em.” “Just wait until next week…” One week…

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