Final Federal Buying Season Countdown to “Make it Rain” and Convert Deals

We have less than 10 precious sales days left in this federal buying season before fiscal year-end. For many of our partners, these last days will prove to be the busiest and most profitable of the year. Success imperatives must be defined,…

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Federal Busy Season: Turn High Activity into High Productivity

All signs point to another great buying season for the federal government in 2016. Thankfully, the typical “election year paralysis” has not surfaced as a factor in deterring spending or purchasing activity to date. This means that activity is high and many…

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Don’t End up with Skinned Knees: Use DVP to Clear Today’s IT Hurdles 2

We are in it, to dominate it!!

Coming down the home stretch, running the race to win, and outworking our competition unapologetically!! That is what we must all focus on in the last two weeks prior to September 30. How do we do this and still win against our competition…

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The Cloud: You are Either in It to Win It or are Destined to Fall Behind

Getting ready for the Federal Buying Season: Prepare, Aware, and Declare!!

Prepare, aware, and declare: Three simple words but also the three key execution imperatives for this year’s Federal IT buying season. All signs point to extremely strong opportunity and purchasing volumes this buying season; this is unprecedented when compared to the last three…

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