Biking, Assembling and Building – Comstor Takes Laser-Sharp Focus to Giving Back to Colorado

As our valued partners know, Comstor has a laser-sharp focus on being the best Cisco distributor we can be. We were proud to receive the Cisco Americas Distributor of the Year this spring as a result of that focus and your partnership…

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Dynamic Value Partnerships are the Path to Success for VARs

The EDGE Conference this week is all about the Comstor team presenting ways that we can enable our top reseller partners in transforming their businesses and building a bridge to the new world of recurring revenue streams through managed services and cloud-based…

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What is ahead for VARs in 2015? Cloud, Collaboration and Consumption Modeling

What is ahead for VARs in 2015? Cloud, Collaboration and Consumption Modeling

In a recent discussion with Comstor US Senior Vice President Geoff Fancher, EDGE360 asked him to share his 2015 predictions for the value-added reseller (VAR) and technology areas. Fancher, who has written for EDGE360 in recent months gave us his high-level view…

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Selling Managed Services Successfully Requires a Partner Mindset and Different Approach

Selling Managed Services Successfully Requires a Partner Mindset and Different Approach

In my last post, I shared how I see managed services coming to the forefront for your sales force because implementing infrastructure as a service (IaaS) without managed services is a sure way for your customers to lose money. But, in order…

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Infrastructure as a Service without Managed Services is One Way to Lose Money

Infrastructure as a Service without Managed Services is One Way to Lose Money

If you aren’t taking your business into the managed services space, you are missing a huge opportunity. The compression on product margins in technology is only increasing, so developing recurring revenue streams is critical to driving company valuations as well as profitability…

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Cisco’s Intercloud Offers Access to Unmatched Enterprise-Class Portfolio of Cloud IT Services 3

Cisco’s Intercloud Offers Access to Unmatched Enterprise-Class Portfolio of Cloud IT Services

In his recent Thoughts from the EDGE post, The Cloud: You are Either in it to Win It or are Destined to Fall Behind, Geoff Fancher, Senior Vice President, Comstor US, predicted that cloud offerings will continue to grow in popularity and…

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The Cloud: You are Either in It to Win It or are Destined to Fall Behind

The Cloud: You are Either in It to Win It or are Destined to Fall Behind

If you search for information on cloud computing, you will see more stories about new offerings, new partnerships, and new acquisitions than you could read in a day. In a recent search, I found stories about Cisco’s acquisition of MetaCloud and HP’s…

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