Q1 Federal Outlook - Work Now Brings Benefits Later

Cisco’s Partner Summit: Enabling Strong Business Relationships and IT Industry Growth

Cisco’s Partner Summit is once again upon us. A multi-day, educational event the Summit this year will focus on current Cisco technology, their vision for the future and their partner ecosystem strategy, as well as how to maneuver and utilize the Internet…

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The Crystal Ball Isn’t Broken - It’s Short Sighted

The Crystal Ball Isn’t Broken – It’s Short Sighted

There is a lot of noise in the channel. If you ask for crystal ball predictions, depending on your source, you are presented with two extremes—the future is brighter than ever or the sky is falling. Maybe, in a way, Chicken Little was right, because…

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The Crystal Ball Isn’t Broken - It’s Short Sighted

A Look Back at 2104: What are Your Top Business Trends from 2014?

With the holiday season upon us, we can’t help but look back at 2014 as we also look ahead to 2015 because where we’ve been so often dictates where we will go. In 2014, we saw an increase in cloud adoption as the…

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Emoticons Can Only Do So Much: The Import of Phone Calls and Face-to-Face Meetings

Emoticons Can Only Do So Much: The Import of Phone Calls and Face-to-Face Meetings

In our digital, data-driven world, where many of us have more LinkedIn and Facebook connections than the number of people we actually know, it is tempting to ask: Are we really communicating? Like many of you, I remember a world before fax machines,…

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The Top 5 Things to Stay Current with Tech Trends

If you find yourself feeling a little out of touch with what’s new and exciting in technology, chances are your sales people are in the same boat. Having a sales team that is out of touch can be disastrous. Technology evolves so quickly…

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The Importance of Planning: Vision, Strategy and Execution Necessary

When planning your company, it is important to know and understand the importance of writing a business plan. It shouldn’t just be something the leadership team does for the shareholders and financiers; it is a process that everyone should build into their…

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Bringing Value and a Competitive EDGE to Our Partners

Most companies have a mission or value statement. In some cases, these statements are created and rarely looked at again. In others, it is core to the company’s foundation and is reflected in everything the organization does – from employee relations to…

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What Gives Your Sales Team a Competive EDGE?

Business mogul Richard Branson says that, “business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.” Are you ready for the next opportunity that comes your way? We at EDGE 360 want to make sure you are. We want your sales teams at the…

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