SYNNEX Acquires Comstor, Expanding Cisco Portfolio

The SYNNEX acquisition of Comstor raises some important questions about consolidation within the technology sector and where things are headed for the industry. As more companies leverage digital technology, they are extending their boundaries into other market segments and in turn, even…

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How to get the Comstor EDGE in Business

Recently, Comstor hosted its annual EDGE conference, highlighting the latest offers from Comstor, coupled with go-to-market messaging from Cisco. Excitingly enough, there were also insights from the Global Security Sales Organization(GSSO) and the Cisco Hyperflex team. Historically, the EDGE team delivers more and…

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How to Stay Cyber Secure: Admitting You Need Help is the First Step

I am not an expert in security, let alone cybersecurity. Candidly, I have a great deal of difficulty discerning between outlandish media hype used to scare people versus real cybersecurity threats that we should actually be concerned about. But, I do know this: I…

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Are You Ready to Take the Federal Market Seriously?

Despite recent and forthcoming budget cuts, the U.S. Federal Government means serious business for those who know the market and are prepared to speak to major pain points within the federal sector. Most of you already know that Comstor is well known in…

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IoT, IoE and Digitization: Are you ready for Cisco Partner Summit?

Much like the entertainment industry’s awards season, the IT channel has its partner event season through February and March. Throughout my career, I’ve been fortunate enough to attend a number of these events, hosted by a wide variety of manufacturers. Through it all,…

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Did You Know You Can Still Actually Connect With People…Not Just Their Devices…

I’m not talking about the classic boondoggle here or the business conference in an exotic tourism-rich location there. Instead, I’m referring to real opportunities to connect with people and talk about the things that are important to their business, and by extension,…

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How to Build Relationships at the C-Level: Listen, Research, and Make it Personal 2

Your customers are at risk…..are you the reason why?

I have had my house broken into, my credit card ghosted and my email hacked. This in no way means I know anything more than you about security, but I will tell you without pause that it has changed the way I…

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What the Farmer’s Market Can Tell You about Your Business’s Future

Our consumer lives increasingly foreshadow what will happen next in industry. But, it wasn’t always that way of course. When everything was new, technology had a way of shaping our lives. Yet now, our lives shape technology - and even more so…

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EDGE- Engage, Develop, Grow, Extend: the 2015 EDGE360 Conference

Our second annual EDGE Conference was the ideal event for our reseller partners to see and experience what differentiates Comstor as the Cisco Distributor of the year. Events like this one truly set us apart from those that compete with us. This exclusive…

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What is ahead for VARs in 2015? Cloud, Collaboration and Consumption Modeling

Trying and Learning: Secrets to Success

Recently, I read a quotation scrawled on a chalkboard in our Comstor Colorado office. It said, “I have never failed; I have tried, and I have learned.” I’m not sure who wrote it, or who it’s paraphrased from, but in it I think are…

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