EDGE360 Year in Review: The Best of the Best in 2020

As December winds down, and as it becomes real that 2020 is, in fact, on its way out the door, the editorial team at EDGE360 wanted to take a pause to revisit the best of the best content read by our IT…

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Channel Marketing

Pirouetting into a New Year for Demand Gen, Partner Enablement, and IT Channel Marketing

Reflecting back on 2020, it was the year that sent every industry into a tailspin. While it may be a year that we try to put behind us, it is important to reflect on how it changed our industry and transformed us…

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IT Transformation

2020: The Leap Year that Spurred IT Transformation and Business Continuity

As part of our EDGE360 2020 Year in Review, we are synching up with leaders at SYNNEX Comstor to reflect on this unprecedented year, and the lessons learned. Barry Landis recently noted that 2020 was the “Year of the Pivot,” and Dan…

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IT Channel

2020 IT Channel Reflections on Remote Working Myths, Collaboration, and Growth

Each year, the EDGE360 editorial team connects back with the leaders in the SYNNEX Comstor organization to reflect on the year and the milestones or changes that we’ve seen in the industry. To say that 2020 was an unprecedented year is an…

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Cisco Partners

What Cisco Partners Have Accomplished in the “Year of the Pivot”

Editor’s note: This article was penned by Barry Landis, Cisco Distribution Software and Services Manager. Landis reflects on important milestones for the Cisco community in Q1 2021 and the ongoing impact COVID-19 has had on technology adoption and adaptation throughout 2020 for…

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Making the Most of the Services Renewal Process with TPV

As we approach the end of the calendar year, many decision-makers in the Cisco community are thinking about their path ahead for next year. And a big part of that plan is the services renewal process when Cisco partners and their customers…

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Cisco 101

SYNNEX Comstor’s Cisco 101 Webinar Series – Conversations Starters to Successfully Sell Cisco

Any Cisco partner knows there are numerous solutions to offer their customers that address a multitude of business needs and expectations. However, given the complexity of the Cisco ecosystem, it can be challenging for partners to have a thorough understanding of the…

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SYNNEX Comstor

Top Reasons to be Thankful at SYNNEX Comstor in 2020

2020 has been a year of disruption and change. Yet, during these unprecedented times, it is also important to look at what we are grateful for as we adapt to a new environment. With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, we took some time to…

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Network Infrastructure

5 Benefits of a Secure Network Infrastructure in a Remote Work Environment

Even though the workforce has been embracing a remote setup for about eight months now, there are still a lot of adjustments that need to be made and best practices to be implemented, especially when it comes to security and network infrastructure.…

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Varnex 2020

Varnex 2020: Navigating a New Future with the Power of Partnership

This year’s Varnex 2020 went virtual, yet still delivered the same great content that partners have come to expect from SYNNEX live events. From a strong line up of SYNNEX leadership to partner executives, including Cisco, partners learned that through the power…

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