SYNNEX Comstor Services Team

Meet the SYNNEX Comstor Services Team Who Prepares Cisco Partners for XaaS

Cisco Partner Summit 2021 is here, with the theme “Making Everything Possible.” Between SYNNEX Comstor, Cisco, and the partners, we’ve seen the impact of working together. That’s why EDGE360 took the opportunity to highlight an important part of the Cisco Partner ecosystem:…

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small businesses

Working Together with Cisco Partners to Help Small Businesses Survive and Thrive  

There is no doubt that small businesses (however you define small) have been hit the hardest during the global pandemic. In fact, many had to pivot quickly to survive or struggled to stay afloat and, sadly, had to close down operations. Understanding…

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Cisco Partner Summit 2021

Cisco Partner Summit 2021: Making Everything Possible Through Partnership

The sense of community that exists throughout the Cisco ecosystem has never been made more apparent than it has over the last year. The value of comradery, teamwork, and communication is not lost on any Cisco Partners, particularly amid a global pandemic.…

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DEMANDSolv Extends Naka Technologies’ Content Marketing Scalability and Reach

With an exceedingly demanding past 18 months for the IT channel, many VARs may have found that their marketing efforts took a backseat to sales and operations priorities. Content marketing, however, can be a valuable tool in helping IT resellers expand their…

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EDGE Partner Programs

Infranet Relies on EDGE Partner Programs to Help Customers #BeCyberSmart

Protecting networks, devices, and organization assets are constantly evolving challenges that have IT departments and their technology partners on their toes, trying to stay abreast with the latest developments. During National Cyber Security Awareness Month, it is important to identify all the…

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WebexOne: The Next Generation of Collaborative Innovation

Another year, another WebexOne Conference! The yearly event is back in style as the entire Cisco community comes together virtually on October 26 and 27 to discuss and share the best practices and new products that are powering the future of the…

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NCSAM 2021: SASE Extends Security to Every Corner of the Globe

This month kicks off another National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM), and to say important lessons in cybersecurity have been learned over the last year would be an understatement. With the rapid increase in hybrid work adoption as well as the notable increase in cyber threats throughout…

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Zero Trust

Supporting a Zero Trust Approach for Government IT

The recent cybersecurity Executive Order from President Joe Biden sent ripples through the federal government. Agencies and their IT teams have long had to contend with the difficulties of defending the nation’s networks, but this order has sought to make them more…

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Helping Cisco Partners #BeCyberSmart and Do Their Part to Develop Stronger Cybersecurity Practices

For 18 years, cybersecurity industry leaders and government agencies have joined to spread awareness for cyber threats and help all businesses, large or small, stay safe and #BeCyberSmart. As October kicks off National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) the EDGE360 editorial team…

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Cisco Webinars

Two Cisco Webinars to Help Partners Start Off the New Fiscal Year Right

Cisco leadership continues to make itself available for partners as the new fiscal year kicks off, hoping to make this year successful for everyone across the Cisco ecosystem. Experts can empower partners through Cisco webinars made available to the partner community. EDGE360…

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