A Look Back at Cyber Security Trends in 2016

As 2016 comes to a close, we are always interested in looking back at our content on EDGE360 to see what topics our readers have really engaged with or visited the most. This year, there is no doubt in our minds that…

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Comstor Webinar: Learn About the Big Changes in the E-rate Program Coming in 2017

This year saw several big changes made to the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC’s) E-rate program, according to Ronald Sheps, Public Sector Programs (Government, Education, Medicine) for Westcon-Comstor. Sheps, along with Dennis Robins, Cisco Public Funding Advisor, will be hosting a webinar about…

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Looking Back at 2016 Federal Market: Remarkably Unremarkable

The lack of a government shutdown or sequestration and the fact that most agencies had their appropriated dollars in place by the beginning of the calendar year made 2016 somewhat unremarkable when compared to previous years, according to Larry Allen of Allen…

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Training Doesn’t Work: Sales Teams Need Dedicated Strength Coaches

To transform sales force performance, you must have individuals dedicated to working with and showing the sales force how to actually do it, as opposed to just training them in sales methodology, according to David McNicholas, Director of Comstor’s U.S. Strategic Business…

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Heading at Full Speed into #CiscoPS16

The Comstor team is off and running, at full speed towards the second Cisco Partner Summit of the year. It’s rare to get two opportunities to connect with Cisco partners throughout the year and focus in on new technology innovations and developments. Recently,…

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Cyber Security Tops Priority List for Federal Agencies in FY17

Cyber security is the first, second and third federal IT priority, and during National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM), all eyes are focused on education and implementation of technology that will help agencies protect their data assets. We recently spoke with Larry…

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Cyber Security is More than Just Technology; Education is Key to Positioning Solutions with Executives

Reselling cyber security technologies is not enough for value-added resellers (VARs), in today’s threat environment. Cyber Security solutions go beyond technologies and for a VAR to be successful and a trusted security partner, they must engage with executives and educate them on…

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From Federal Agencies to Small Businesses, the Focus is on Cyber Security & Protecting Data

Cyber security has been a top priority for agencies and businesses of all sizes for several years and is likely to continue to be a top priority as long as hackers and cybercriminals continue to change tactics and ramp up their capabilities.…

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Targeting the Federal Market? Don’t be Sitting at Your Desk Until the New Year

Now that federal buying season is complete, government contractors are probably considering taking a break from the hustle of the past few busy months.  But don’t give in. Between October and the end of calendar 2016, value-added resellers (VARs) who sell to…

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Steps for Federal Sales Success for Resellers

The federal market has many requirements that make it a more difficult sell than the commercial space. As we have heard from contributors to EDGE360 in the past few posts, Comstor can help value added resellers (VARs) navigate the system with dedicated…

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