Are Federal Agencies on the Right Path to the Cloud?


Look, up in the sky! It’s a cloud! What, type of cloud is it, though? Is it one of those light, wispy clouds that will pass on by or a dark one that will rain on your picnic? Sometimes the type of cloud matters.
The same thing is true in federal cloud computing. Most discussions around “cloud” treat the topic as if there were one, all-dominating type of cloud, usually one where data storage is the only purpose for the cloud. In reality, there are as many different types of cloud solutions as there are federal agencies looking for them.

One of the least-discussed, but most promising cloud solutions is cloud-based communications for voice, video and web services. First and foremost, cloud-based communications can be incredibly secure. Through advanced encryption, physical and virtual safety measures – and by using a trusted solution provider – any federal agency can be assured of secure, agile and scalable cloud communications services that provide all of the benefits of cloud flexibility with low risk. Agencies need not sacrifice the security of their communications systems to obtain the benefits of a cloud solution.

In addition, cloud communications solutions can be configured to meet the specific needs of individual federal customers. The key here is to work with a team that has substantial experience in the federal market. Ideally, your solutions provider will have experience with everyone from intelligence agencies to independent federal offices seeking commercial-off-the-shelf solutions.

Hosted Cloud Solutions (HCS) is a particularly innovative way agencies can obtain cloud communications solutions. An HCS approach allows agencies to free up scarce office space – an important consideration as agencies seek to reduce their physical footprint and move toward a more mobile workforce.

One feature federal agencies should look for in an HCS communications offering is the flexibility to allow for the storage of confidential voice mail on premises. Doing this gives agencies the best of both worlds: They gain the ability to maintain control over critical messages and the benefits of an off-premise communications solution that provides all of the services they need, without any of the storage hassles that come with traditional data-based cloud projects.

collab9, a leader in voice and telecomm solutions, has joined forces with Cisco and Comstor to offer such an HCS communications package. It’s a secure, next generation cloud-based communications solution that integrates voice, video, web conferencing, messaging, and mobility solutions developed specifically for the needs of the federal market. Wrapped around the technical solution is a tradition of experienced federal customer care that ensures the unique needs of federal agencies are consistently addressed.

More importantly, this solution is currently undergoing FedRAMP accreditation with anticipated approval later this year. This will make it one of a very few cloud telecommunications solutions to have achieved this accreditation.

Cloud solutions do differ and the type of cloud your agency uses for its voice and telecommunications services can mean the difference between mission success or missing the mark. If your agency is considering hosted cloud telecommunications services, the collab9/Cisco solution is definitely one worth checking out.

Want to learn more about preparing for the federal buying season from the EDGE360 team? Click here.


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