Embracing Teamwork in IT Distribution


Distribution partners see themselves wearing many hats, but rarely are they compared to Thunderbird pilots. The parallels between these two distinct professions, however, are more striking than one might think. At this year’s Red, White and You public sector conference in April, Col. Nicole Malachowski, USAF (Ret.), a former Thunderbird pilot, accomplished leader, and motivational speaker, delivered a keynote speech that highlighted the essence of teamwork and its critical role in achieving excellence—insights that resonate deeply within the technology distribution industry.

The Power of Teamwork in Achieving Excellence

Nicole Malachowski’s illustrious career, including her role as Commissioner of the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships the President and her nearly 22 years of service in the Air Force, is a testament to the power of teamwork. “I, Nicole Malachowski have never individually been the best,” she admitted, “but I have been part of some of the best teams.” This statement encapsulates the spirit of collaboration that drives success in any field, including IT distribution.

Pushing the Envelope with Teamwork

As a Thunderbird pilot, Malachowski spent her years pushing her aircraft to altitudes and speeds unattainable on the ground. This task required a solid commitment from every member of the team to always put forth their very best. While distribution partners may not face quite the same physical risks, they continually push the boundaries to deliver cutting-edge technology solutions to public companies, communities, and educational institutions.

Trust and Gratitude: Foundations of a Good Team

When Malachowski joined the Thunderbirds, she initially believed she had already mastered teamwork and trust in her life and career. Being chosen as one of only six pilots gave her the confidence that she was among the elite with nothing more to learn. She quickly realized, however, that her past accomplishments meant little without the unified effort of the entire team. Malachowski spent her first weeks on the ground, learning about every aspect of the Thunderbird team before she was allowed to fly. This experience taught her a crucial lesson: “Nothing of significance is ever accomplished alone.”

This realization is equally important for TD SYNNEX partners. Work in technology distribution—ensuring the seamless operation of public sector entities—is significant and requires a collective effort where every role, from sales to final delivery, is indispensable. Malachowski’s story of learning each aspect of the Thunderbird team before taking flight underscores the importance of understanding and valuing every member’s contribution. Initially frustrated by the process, she soon recognized the crew’s dedication and pride in their work.

Gratitude and recognition were central themes in Nicole’s speech. She recounted a moment of realization when she expressed gratitude to her team by saying, “Thanks for letting me borrow your jet.” This simple act of acknowledging the behind-the-scenes support is something partners can incorporate into their daily interactions. By consistently appreciating the contributions of those around, it’s easier to build a foundation of trust and respect, essential for any successful team.

Building Trust Through Integrity

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful team. Malachowski highlighted that “you build trust by being trustworthy.” For TD SYNNEX, this principle is embedded in the mission statement and core values—integrity, inclusion, collaboration, and excellence. These shared values, akin to the Thunderbirds’ wingman contract, guide how partners execute their missions and support each other.

“When in doubt, always honor the wingman contract,” Malachowski advised. This directive is particularly relevant in our industry, where rapid changes and unexpected turbulence are the norms. By upholding these shared values and mission, partners can navigate any challenges effectively.

Embracing Vulnerability and Adaptability

Handling turbulence and change requires embracing vulnerability. In flying, as in business, clinging tightly during turbulence can be counterproductive. Malachowski noted, “Turbulence doesn’t last forever,” encouraging partners to focus on what they can control. For TD SYNNEX partners, this means optimizing time and resources, and being adaptable in the face of industry shifts.

The concept of “yield to overcome” resonates strongly here. It’s not about lamenting what can’t be done but maximizing what can be done with available resources. The runway behind may be unusable, but the focus must be placed on the path ahead, shedding ego and rigidity to embrace new possibilities.


Nicole Malachowski’s experiences and insights offer profound lessons for TD SYNNEX distribution partners. By fostering a culture of teamwork, trust, and gratitude, and by upholding shared values, partners can continue to excel in delivering technology solutions that empower public sector entities. As partners navigate the ever-evolving technology landscape, it’s crucial to remember that, much like Thunderbird pilots, success relies on the strength and cohesion of the whole team.


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