New and Improved SYNNEX Comstor LMS Empowers Partners to Thrive through Education


With the end of the Cisco fiscal year rapidly approaching, partners are working diligently around the clock to finish their year strong. This time of year also lends itself to planning for the new fiscal year and how to apply important lessons learned to make the new year an even bigger success. The SYNNEX Comstor Learning Management System (LMS) platform empowers partners on both ends of that spectrum (and throughout the year) by offering a wealth of knowledge in a one-stop-shop format. 

To learn more about some of the updates on the horizon for the SYNNEX Comstor LMS, we caught up with Jackson Grise, Product Business Manager, Cisco Partner Engagement with SYNNEX Comstor. Grise briefed us on the SYNNEX Comstor LMS platform’s revamp and how the tool is becoming even more user-friendly for partners.  

“We’ll have brand new content regularly uploaded to the updated platform including webinars, videos, and other educational tools for partners, allowing them to offer more comprehensive training for their employees on the topic areas that matter to their business,” explained Grise. “With the platform now being organized by Cisco architecture, it makes interacting with this interface that much more streamlined for partners and their teams.”  

On top of offering free access to a constant stream of new educational content designed to strengthen any Cisco practice, Grise discussed a new gamified approach to the SYNNEX Comstor LMS platform to incentivize regular engagement among users. According to Grise, promotions will be offered for different content across the platform that attracts users to engage with it. Then, users take a quiz to test their retention of the knowledge, and the partners with the top quiz scores will receive a reward at the end of the month. “We want to make partners feel excited about engaging with the tool while also offering a valuable teaching mechanism to their teams,” he stated. 

As partners enter crunch time for the end of the year, Grise noted that partners have a wealth of information at their disposal on the SYNNEX Comstor LMS platform with about six to seven hours for each Cisco architecture already housed on the portal. “If, for some reason partners weren’t able to engage with our educational content live, they should know that information is available to them on-demand here,” said Grise. “They will be able to learn more on how to sell specific gear and how to help build out their Cisco practice with most of their questions being answered proactively.” 

Grise emphasized, however, that perhaps the biggest goal of this platform update is to cultivate an even stronger sense of community for partners and inform them about the myriad of tools available to them through the EDGE program. “This platform can serve as a place to share discussion posts, upcoming events, important announcements, and relevant blog posts for sharpening best practices,” he said. “We’re always trying to find different ways to get our partners involved, and this is an approach that allows partners to come and directly engage in content that suits their needs.” 

You can learn more about the SYNNEX Comstor LMS platform by looking on the EDGE Focus Tool page. Users should also stay tuned for an upcoming informative monthly newsletter with more helpful content. You can also reach out directly to Grise via email at He’s happy to field any questions and get partners excited about the new and improved platform.  


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