Women’s History Month: Looking Back on Successful Women of the Channel


Women’s History Month is a celebration of the tireless work and incredible accomplishments of women throughout history. It is also an invitation to reflect on the past, on the issues that have been overcome and the challenges yet to be faced. It is no secret that IT has long been a field lacking in diversity, but over time, the channel has welcomed more and more talented women and minorities into the workforce.

Over the years, EDGE360 has covered the ongoing trends to bring more women into the channel. From anecdotes about industry progress to advice for young female professionals, EDGE360 and our partners strive to provide a platform for women and their unique stories in the channel.

For this year’s Women’s History Month, our team reflects on compelling stories from past female contributors. While there is still a long, uphill battle, let this March begin with a reflection on the progress that we have made, and to remember all that we have learned along the way.

Advice for Young Women in Technology: Jumping into the Channel

In a field that can be intimidating for newcomers, advice is crucial. Whether you are at the beginning of your career or looking to start the next chapter, these IT channel experts are ready to discuss and pass their wisdom on. Each offered their own unique insight and shared the lessons learned that helped them achieve success.

Featuring insights from SYNNEX Comstor’s Molly Sherwood, Dan Forbes, and Jay Denton along with Cisco’s Jennifer Keating and Pippa Sturkey, this article contains valuable information for everyone in the channel, but especially for women looking to make an impact in a field that is increasingly ready for them to make their mark.

Read the full story here.

 Women in the Channel: Cisco BDM Discusses Why Diversity and Inclusion Matter to Innovation

Few fields require innovation to succeed as much as IT. Case in point, over the last year, IT has been forced to embrace a rapidly changing paradigm which has led to a tremendous demand for new and innovative solutions to both new and old problems. Now that the ongoing disruption has begun to stabilize and with the IT Channel looking ahead towards the future, it is time to seek out and reward innovators.

Nothing drives innovation more than diversity, a sentiment that SYNNEX Comstor’s Sonya Geter expressed in this article. Diversity comes in many forms, but the most effective way to increase it is to start by addressing the largest disparities. Bringing more women into the IT Channel can and will boost innovation at a time when this channel needs to be as agile and innovative as it can be, and Geter offers her experience as a testament to that fact.

Read the full story here.

 Cisco and Comstor Women of the Channel Share Their Journeys

Cisco’s Jennifer Keating, Pippa Sturkey, and SYNNEX Comstor’s Danielle Turcot share with EDGE360 their experiences in the IT channel and the lessons they learned along the way. Similarly, Carissa Scholl (SYNNEX Comstor) and Sarah Marshall Nowell (Cisco) also talk about the important role that mentoring played in their careers. While each offers their own advice, they all agree that now is the time for women to join the industry.

Each woman’s unique journey offers exceptional advice for anyone in the industry. From young professionals to experienced industry professionals, the stories told by these women inspire and inform us all to embrace the many voices in the channel. They also encourage everyone to amplify the voices of those who may be sidelined, calling on us all to champion good ideas and reward the innovation that the industry is embracing.

Read the full story here and here.


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