Meet the People Behind the SYNNEX Comstor Sales Management Team


New and old members of the Cisco community know that informed sales professionals are crucial to building a successful Cisco practice. The sales team that helps our partners navigate the industry relies on experienced management for organization and the support to provide the best quality service possible. In the uncertain times ahead, SYNNEX Comstor stands ready to inform and guide Cisco partners on how to best navigate difficult decisions and to recognize and capitalize on opportunity. This quality of service comes thanks to the work and foresight of our sales leadership personnel.

In this installment of the Meet the People series, we are featuring the members of the SYNNEX Comstor Sales Management Team. These members oversee and empower their respective sales teams to best connect with partners and provide the highest level of service possible. As leaders, their expertise and experience allow SYNNEX Comstor and their partners to engage in meaningful dialogue to best realize each partners’ vision.

Here are some thoughts the Sales Management team shared about their role at SYNNEX Comstor and how they are working to create one of the best teams of sales representatives in the industry:

Sales Management

Brenden O’Brien, Senior Manager, Inside Sales at SYNNEX Comstor

Years with SYNNEX Comstor: 5

Years in His Field: 5

Brenden O’Brien began his career with SYNNEX Comstor in 2015 in an effort to learn more about Cisco and the industry at-large. In his role as a Senior Manager, O’Brien works to manage the day-to-day functions of his 14-person sales team. Additionally, he provides sales forecasting and problem solving while overcoming any ordering process obstacles, managing vendor relations, and long-term planning with partners and the SYNNEX Comstor executive team.

O’Brien finds excitement in staying on top of a dynamic and ever-changing industry that rewards innovation. “This is the most challenging but rewarding part of this industry.” O’Brien views his role in the organization as a leader providing partners with the resources to understand finance options, logistics, pricing, and engineering services available to best meet and exceed expectations.

In the new remote economy, O’Brien believes that “consistent communication through collaborative projects” is the best way to maintain connections with partners. Forming these connections now requires consistent meetings, building a cadence, and working to always advance partner goals. O’Brien believes that SYNNEX Comstor provides partners with the best opportunity to grow their business and to maximize their   Cisco practice profitability, and he is ready to help make that a reality.

Sales Management

Mario Crespin, Regional Sales Manager, Federal Inside Sales at SYNNEX Comstor

Years with SYNNEX Comstor: 4.5

Years in His Field: 10

Mario Crespin began his career in sales before transitioning to tech and IT sales in 2016. Crespin had always been tech savvy and saw an opportunity to further develop his skill set while engaging in an industry he knows well. Crespin utilized his skills and quickly established himself in the new industry by learning best practices and offering exceptional service to partners.

At SYNNEX Comstor, Crespin manages a team of over 30 sales representatives and works to ensure their ability and skills match the high expectations of customers. While he works with the entire breadth of SYNNEX Comstor clients, Crespin focuses mostly on Cisco-related projects and partners, including sales forecasting, partner management and engagement, and identifying areas where SYNNEX Comstor can provide further assistance in realizing partner visions.

In his role, Crespin enjoys the interactions he has with partners and his colleagues. He is “a people person,” and he said that “meeting new people at the company is fantastic.” He seeks to build close relationships between partners and co-workers as he looks to continuously improve on and cultivate relationships between himself, his staff, and the Cisco community.

In the new remote economy, Crespin values frequent conversation with partners and develops relationships by asking the simple questions like “How are you doing? How can I help?” Understanding that partners are experiencing the same difficulties as his sales team, Crespin stresses that he, his team, and their partners are all in this together, and that he and his team are “willing to help out in any way possible” to overcome temporary hardships and make sound, long-term plans.

Sales Management

Nate Felker, Regional Sales Manager at SYNNEX Comstor

Years with SYNNEX Comstor: 2.5

Years in His Field: 10

Nate Felker began his career in the business process outsourcing space before transitioning to team management. Felker has supervised and managed small and large teams, but he always ensures that the team works in unity to achieve shared visions. Felker now oversees partner relations in the eastern United States.

In his role, Felker is responsible for ensuring his team is ready and able to serve as one-stop shops for partners ranging from the those just getting started to those hunting for seven or eight- figure deals. Felker strives to provide partners with a team of liaisons that can bring knowledge experts into conversations, ensure smooth business operations, and organize future deals to bring new partners into the Cisco network.

Felker thrives in helping organizations achieve their goals, both in the public and private sector. “I have always been excited about internal efficiencies and processes that make team members strong,” he said. It’s clear that the potential for growth in this industry excites Felker. “Growth for those who are hungry – whether it be internal team members or our clients” drives him to provide partners with the highest quality of service and assistance his team can deliver.

In the new remote economy, Felker values establishing frequent and recurring phone calls to maintain and grow relationships. Utilizing his years of experience, Felker points to SYNNEX Comstor’s long history of exceptional care for partners in times of crisis. “We’ve cared about our customers before our current situations and will continue to care after.” When there is uncertainty, Felker wants his partners to know that he and his team stand behind them not just as a company but as people, stating, “We build connections by caring and understanding.” Felker believes that SYNNEX Comstor offers the solutions to many of the forthcoming issues facing many partners; all they have to do is tell him what they need.


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