Comstor Executive Federal Summit Celebrates 10 Years of Bringing VARs and Cisco Together


The federal IT market is full of opportunities and challenges. Which ones should the VAR and government contractor community be aware of? With federal buying season right around the corner, the Comstor team hosted its 10th Executive Federal Summit to bring together IT resellers and Cisco leaders to discuss.

“We’ve brought together industry experts, Cisco fed executives, Comstor fed executives, and partners that are unique in this space to talk about the trends,” Molly Sherwood, director of business development for Comstor, told us.

The government is the world’s largest consumer of IT, according to Nick Michaelides, VP of Public Sector for Federal at Cisco. As a speaker at the Comstor Executive Federal Summit, Michaelides pointed out that the traditional “steady Eddie” flow of business is changing. With a $33.5B install base, and opportunities to help government agencies modernize IT, strengthen cybersecurity initiatives, and move to the cloud, VARs need to start early with helping agencies meet their mission with IT solutions.

David Taylor, founder and CEO of Federal Budget IQ® and keynote speaker at the Federal Summit told the audience to prepare for federal buying season to come early this year. Taylor predicts that agencies will face a compressed FY19 procurement cycle and a decline in spending for FY20.
Insights like the ones shared by the speakers are key to this event.

“This event is very important to us,” according to Dan Forbes, senior director of field sales for Western US at Comstor. “Not only does it help us align with Cisco and collectively it allows us to get together with our partner and vendor community and discuss what is important to us…. We all come together to help our customers achieve their mission.”

Want to learn more? Get the full scoop from Comstor leaders on the 10 anniversary of the Comstor Executive Federal Summit in this short video.


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