CyberRisk Podcast: Changing the Mindset of Responding to a Security Breach


The Equifax breach was just another spotlight on the importance of cyber security initiatives and processes. What lessons can be learned from the security breach? First and foremost, breaches like Equifax should bring to light security concerns within organizations. In the third episode of our EDGE360 CyberRisk podcast series, Bryant G. Tow, managing director and founder of CyberRisk Solutions, LLC, chats with Corey Burnett, Director of Business Development and Strategy for Centrinet Technologies and discusses why many companies still don’t think that a breach will happen to them or that one will have little impact on their business.

“Moving beyond the reactive state is the goal collectively,” Burnett tells us. Tow and Burnett discuss the importance of detection, knowing the indicators of compromise, and having a plan in place. But even when compliance is checked off, according to Tow, “an active attack can’t be detected unless you are regularly watching the traffic.”

Yet when an attack happens, because it will, response is critical. “It’s about incident response at the end of the day,” Tow explains.

During this podcast, Tow and Burnett look at what organizations can do after an attack and if processes were in place. It also raises the question: could the impact on Equifax’s brand be lessened if their response to the breach was more effective and in-depth?

Listen to the full podcast episode below.

If you missed previous episodes in this series, click here to listen to VAR best practices for delivering cyber security value, or click here to listen to the rise of security-as-a service.



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