Stay CyberAware with These Simple Steps


Are you #CyberAware? October is here which means it’s National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM). NCSAM was launched in 2004 by the National Cyber Security Alliance & the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and created to engage and educate public and private sector partners and raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity. Events and initiatives will be taking place throughout the month of October to raise awareness about online safety, along with tools and resources that may be used to help in the effort.

As the 2017 Security Awareness Report showed us, many organizations face similar issues: leadership does not have the time, staff or resources to effectively manage their security awareness programs. That’s why this month we will be providing you with tips and guidance on the current security threat landscape and the importance of having a security approach in place, incorporating the right processes, policies and tools, to help your own customers protect their critical assets.

Step 1: Talk to your customers about security.

According to Bryant G. Tow, a regular EDGE360 contributor and founder of CyberRisk Solution, “If you aren’t talking to your customers about security, then someone else is.” Yet, despite its importance, many value-added resellers simply don’t have the tools or understanding to sell into the security space.  During this month on EDG360, Bryant will be hosting a podcast show with guests that will offer resellers advice on how to address the latest security challenges.

Step 2: Implement a Holistic Approach for customers.

David McNicholas, Director of US Strategic Business Development for Comstor says, a holistic approach is the only way to maximize security when it comes to securing the network and all of an organization’s valuable intelligence.

The “Ring of Security”, a term coined by McNicholas, avoids relying solely on technology and includes organizational integration across people, processes and facilities. “Without this type of integrated approach, 75% of your ring of security will be exposed,” McNicholas says.

Step 3. Don’t Forget the Basics.

In a recent interview with TechRepublic, Anthony Grieco, Senior Director and Trust Strategy officer at Cisco’s Security and Trust Organization recommended a few simple steps that can create a big impact when it comes to improving security within an organization. Here they are:

  • Create a resilient backup strategy. With destructive attacks rising, companies must ensure they have a plan in place to keep operations running if faced with an attack.
  • Patch systems and keep software up to date. Not only do laptops and servers need to be patched and updated, but phone, tablets and network infrastructures do as well.
  • Take care with clicking. Employees need to give links found in emails a second consideration before opening.
  • Block access to known bad activities. Block what you can with DNS protection mechanisms.

Want to learn more? Be sure to check back in on EDGE360 weekly for our new security podcast show and the latest tips to becoming more #CyberAware during NCSAM.


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