Cyber Security Awareness: It’s Not a Month, It’s a Holistic, Year-Round Effort


October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM), but as we all know, cyber security is a year-round effort and requires a systematic approach to protect organizational assets in today’s digital environment.  The spotlight that NCSAM puts on cyber security is an absolute necessity. Created by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the National Cyber Security Alliance, NCSAM strives to “educate and empower our global digital society” and to build safer practices in today’s digital age.

For anyone who is trying to create a holistic approach to cyber security, it is not just about the technology, but also about understanding the security issues across an entire organization and creating a strategy to address the issue as a whole.  Most Value-Added Resellers (VARs) understand the importance of security and know that there is a demand, but they struggle with building in-house security expertise.  That is where the Comstor Security Initiative (CSI) comes in. Cisco recently asked the Comstor team to co-sponsor a “partner security day” to outline their comprehensive security approach. This ongoing education is key to helping VARs create a solid, effective, holistic cyber security solution.

The efforts of the Cisco/Comstor CSI team fit in nicely with this week’s NCSAM theme, which is “From the Break Room to the Boardroom: Creating a Culture of Cybersecurity in the Workplace.” The focus is on creating a culture of cyber security in the workplace through employee education, training and awareness and by emphasizing risk management, resistance and resilience.

The CSI program is centered on Comstor’s unique Ring of Security methodology, which teaches partners not to sell point solutions, but to look deeper into a customer’s security vulnerabilities by examining the following:

  • People: The human operating system is still the most vulnerable, yet most valuable asset in any business. Educating people is part of proper cyber security hygiene.
  • Process: Operations across the organization must be run with a diligence to risk management, process efficiency and protection.
  • Facilities: Giving people confidence in their safety at work makes a better work environment and protects the organization’s assets.
  • Technology: The core of an effective security strategy includes comprehensive security architecture, superior solutions, and on-going diligence.

Looking at security holistically, from the breakroom to the boardroom and from the desktop to access through the front door, is what cyber protection is really about.  CSI is a program that can benefit all partners, regardless of their size, or the current status of their security practice.  There are many levels to choose from, including:

  • Base Camp: Designed for partners with no security practice. This level of training will teach you the basics and help you get in the game quickly
  • Ascent: Designed to help enhance the security practice for partners who are already selling security. This level of training includes a comprehensive sales and marketing approach and helps partners integrate security into their existing solutions.
  • Summit: Designed for partners with a serious focus on security. This level of training is to help partners build a security practice on par with the biggest players in the industry.

To learn more about CSI offerings, click here. For future CSI events, email matthew.kerr@comstor. com


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