How to Stay Cyber Secure: Admitting You Need Help is the First Step


I am not an expert in security, let alone cybersecurity.

Candidly, I have a great deal of difficulty discerning between outlandish media hype used to scare people versus real cybersecurity threats that we should actually be concerned about.

But, I do know this: I think a lot about my own cybersecurity.

I worry about the security of my passwords and of the emails I open from trusted sources. Additionally, because I work from home, I often wonder if my home systems would become vulnerable if my work systems get corrupted, and vice versa. Cybersecurity is a 21st century concern that weighs heavily on many of us.

In fact, I’m willing to bet that many of you have some of the same concerns. Just imagine what’s going on in the heads of CIOs and CTOs. They experience the same anxious thoughts about security but on a much grander scale because they need to consider their entire organization, not just themselves.

They need help. They are starving for someone to give them the silver bullet that could make all these growing threats go away.

I may not be a cybersecurity expert, but I know that no silver bullet exists. There is nothing out there that will, with certainty, fix everything. Yet, there are things you and large organizations can do to alleviate the risk.

Seek the help of others. There are many solutions and software suites available. These tools can ensure that you are informed of the types of threats are happening, how they are happening, and where they are happening, all in real time.

Even with these solutions, it doesn’t mean you are 100% protected from security breaches but it does mean that you can be prepared to mitigate the situation if a breach does indeed occur.

Yet, despite the abundance of information available, we still hear about companies, corporations, and governments that are shortsighted when it comes to security.

The old adage “where there is mystery, there is margin” should be ringing in your ears right now.

Let us help. We have access to the people that can keep you informed, keep you up to date, and show you how things are happening and where. And, along the way, we can help you become that same advisor to your end-user customers.

If some guy in his home office is thinking about it, it stands to reason that your customers are too.

Remember, admitting you need help is the first step…

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