5 Benefits of a Secure Network Infrastructure in a Remote Work Environment


Even though the workforce has been embracing a remote setup for about eight months now, there are still a lot of adjustments that need to be made and best practices to be implemented, especially when it comes to security and network infrastructure. This is particularly crucial with permanent shifts towards a more decentralized workforce.

“Network scalability to support users working from home, business resiliency, and continuity planning are just a few challenges that are emerging during the pandemic environment,” wrote Josh Rennick, a Distribution Account Manager for Americas Distribution at Cisco Meraki, in a recent post on EDGE360. “Almost every industry has been impacted by these challenges. With users working from home, it is extremely important to make sure that data and devices are always kept secure in the same manner as if they were working from the corporate office.”

It’s easy to understand that a secure network infrastructure is important, but why? How do those benefits manifest across the workforce? In a recent blog post titled “5 Benefits to Secure Network Infrastructure Services During COVID-19,” SYNNEX Comstor partner, Salient Networks, outlines exactly why a partner in establishing a secure network infrastructure behooves any remote workforce.

A few of these benefits include:

  1. Securing your network infrastructure helps prevent the theft of employee data. – “You’re going to have employees accessing data from different devices and locations, and the last thing you want is to leave the door open for important, proprietary files to be pilfered… cyber-criminals are really exploiting the disruptions of the COVID era. Do everything in your power to make sure your network infrastructure is fully secured.”
  2. With a secure network, you can keep your employees safe from innocent mistakes. – “Bad actors are taking advantage of the new remote work culture, using it to launch all kinds of phishing attacks, dangerous emails, and more. It’s all too easy for employees to accidentally click a bad link or open an unverified email, especially if they are distracted by other things. The right network infrastructure security can provide workers with the safeguards they need and protect them from accidental errors.”
  3. Make sure employees are empowered to work productively, even if they’re working remotely. – “You may have employees returning to the workplace, but then again, it seems like many companies will be offering work-from-home flexibility for a long time to come. Make it easy and convenient for your employees to do their best work, and to access all the online tools they need, no matter where they’re working from.”

You can read all five of the benefits of building a secure network infrastructure outlined by Salient Networks here.


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