2018 Cisco Predictions: Cloud, Collaboration, Digital Transformation & Enterprise Networks


As we wrap up our series of 2018 predictions, EDGE360 decided to take a look at what Cisco bloggers estimated were the top trends to be aware of for the New Year. From cloud predictions for unified communications and collaboration to a view on reshaping value in 2018 and predictions for SD-WAN and the contact center, Cisco bloggers had a lot to share. Here’s what they had to say:

Unified Communications and Collaboration for 2018: The Race to the Cloud

With unified cloud hosted solutions growing at an alarming rate of 33% each year, it has become close to a $28 billion a year business and continues to grow. The marketplace for communications is shifting to multi-modal interactions; with voice, video, messaging and collaboration spearheading the future of this market. As the plethora of applications and devices grows, so does the demand for high-volume messaging, call sharing, video, presentation, whiteboard and meeting capabilities.

Read the entire post here.

The Digital Age Takes Over: Top 5 Predictions for Reshaping Value in 2018 and Beyond

These predictions consider what’s happening in technology — and how technology is changing society and business. The first is that the “Internet of Trust” will take center stage: By 2020, up to 50 billion devices will connect to the Internet of Things (IoT), generating data and analytics in support of automated and policy-based decisions. These business decisions shift the conversation from, “Is the data secure?” to “Is the data correct?” The second is about the “Era of Convergence: Business, Social, and Political.” The integration of social, business, and political will force companies to enter into what has historically been considered a “no fly zone.”

Read the entire post here.

Accelerating Into 2018

2017 was a pivotal year for enterprise networking. In 2016, the internet crossed a milestone threshold when it reached an annual run rate of one Zettabytes, with the majority on mobile devices. As the Zettabyte era dawned, networking needed to be brought up to speed. And this year, I am proud to say our enterprise engineering team launched a new era of networking, with a network that understands and automates your business intentions, from edge to cloud. Let’s take a look back on the milestones of the year that brought networking into the future.

Read the entire post here.

2018 Predictions for SD-WAN (#sdwan)

SD-WAN has blown past all of our 2017 expectations. It has become one of the hottest trends in networking, and forecasts are increasing every quarter with IDC predicting the size of the SD-WAN market to be $8.05B by 2021. Digital transformation continues to be the driver behind network refresh. Increasing bandwidth, cloud IaaS and SaaS applications along with WAN complexity and security are largely the same as in previous years, but these disruptions have evolved and are becoming increasingly important issues IT needs to solve across their networks and not just the WAN.

Read the entire post here.


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